"Trip report 11/16 Bowman's Pit; surveying-that-which-I=Brian scooped on connect trip in April.
As the April connection effort was being bolted, I had stayed warm by exploring & left of GS-25; much passage there was then left to survey. Yesterday, Clint, Philip, and I entered at 1pm Saturday in great weather, amid the leavings of close-by logging, to survey that. Once some brush was snapped off, our roped descent and further progress westward was uncomplicated, once underground. We attained GS-25 by 3pm and surveyed westward from there. The ensuing GSW survey mapped my April progress for 175.1 feet and established experientially that our EOS GSW-12 tied back to a cluster of leads off GSW-2 that I'd bypassed in spring.
The cluster of passages near EOS is passably pushed, but the initially bypassed leads, when pursued after Saturday's survey, are partly explored and sketchily mapped. Once Clint had summarized in back-of-the-napkin form those leads, we exited.
The exit trip was uneventful, with an out time putting us in the car & to the Hideout at 1am. The remaining leads are a mix of passages possibly trailing to known northwesterly passage & some southwesterly; all beckon future surveyors.................."
Brian Devine
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